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ONLINE CONCERT: Jamal Moore / Allison Clendaniel / Daniel Wyche

Thursday May 21 * 8pm * RSVP/DONATE

Jamal R. Moore is a native of Baltimore, a multi-instrumentalist, composer/performer and educator. His background includes the California Institute of The Arts (M.F.A. 2012), Berklee College of Music (B.M 2005), Eubie Blake Jazz Orchestra (2000) under the direction of Christopher Calloway Brooks and historically-acclaimed Frederick Douglass Sr. High whose alumni include Thurgood Marshall, Cab Calloway, and Ethel Ennis.
Some notable luminaries Jamal has worked with are Wadada Leo Smith (2013 Pulitzer finalist) whom he studied with at California Institute of The Arts, Nicole Mitchell, Sabir Mateen, Roscoe Mitchell, David Ornette Cherry (Organic Roots Nation), Tomeka Reid, Dr. Bill Cole, DJ Lou Gorbea, George Duke, Sheila E, David Murray, JD Parran, Ras Moshe, Tatsua Nakatani, Hamid Drake and Yahyah Abdul Majid (Sun Ra Arkestra).
Jamal currently leads his own groups, Akebulan Arkestra, Napata Strings, Black Elements Quartet, Organix Trio, Interstellar Duo and co-leads Ancestral Duo with Luke Stewart.

Allison Clendaniel is an interdisciplinary artist in Baltimore, MD. Her work encompasses sound, classical & extended vocal technique, performance art, movement, technology, and theatre. A versatile performer and improviser, Allison has composed and played music for voice, synthesizer, piano, computer, cello, and theremin in both solo and collaborative environments. She currently focuses her artistic attention at the intersectionality between technology and acoustic instruments. She has studied voice and movement with legendary performer and composer, Meredith Monk at the House Foundation, clowning with Globus Hystericus, and has toured extensively through North America as a teacher and performing artist.

Daniel Wyche is a Chicago-based guitarist, composer and improviser. Working with a wide range of physical preparations, extended techniques, and pedal instruments, his solo recorded work and live performances are characterized by long-form structured improvisations. Recently, this approach has become increasingly integrated with the exploration of multi-channel performance and the spatialization of sound, including new compositions for 4, 8, and 16-channel guitar. Daniel's 2016 record "Our Severed Sleep" (with Ryan Packard) was called “a blowout to wake the dead” by the Wire, “reverent music,” by Decoder, and “an infinite swansong of bliss” by Tiny Mix Tapes. The 2017 self-titled release by the trio of Wyche, Ben Baker Billington (Tiger Hatchery, ONO, ADT), and Mark Shippy (US Maple, Invisible Things) on Astral Spirits was (apparently) referred to as "the fucking truth" and "flat-out exhilarating" by Marc Masters. Along with his solo guitar work, Wyche is involved in several regular collaborations. Most notable among these are a series of ongoing performances with Julian Lynch (Real Estate), Ryan Packard (Skeltons, Wei Zhongle, Fonema Consort), Ricardo Lagamosino (Many Arms, Lucy Dacus), the NJ-based electronic improvisation collective Terratzen with Michael Nicosia, and the trio of Wyche, Shippy and Billington. Daniel has been a curator with the Elastic Arts Foundation in Chicago since 2013.