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VIRTUAL MICROCINEMA: Experimental Shorts by Diana Abells / Stephanie Barber / Tess Elliot / Carl Elsaesser / Shon Kim / Lydia Moyer / Natalie Petrosky / Jonathan Rattner / Suneil Sanzgiri

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Watch throughout the month of May — Please DONATE if you can to support these wonderful filmmakers

Premiere: Thursday May 7 * 7pm * RSVP

Virtual Microcinema (Experimental Shorts)

Also viewable at

Shon Kim
BOOKANIMA: Dance (2018)
Video, 7:31 minutes
BOOKANIMA, a compound word of ‘Book’ and ‘Anima’, is Experimental Animation project to give book new cinematic life. It aims ‘Book Cinema’ in the third scope between Book and Cinema by Chronophotography Animation, paying homage for Edward Muybridge and Entienne Jules-Marey. It creates experimental locomotion of Dance along with its stream: Ballet-Korean dance-Modern dance-Jazz dance-Aerial Silk-Tap dance-Aerobic-Disco-Break dance-Hip hop-Social dance.

Diana Abells
Power and Cool (2019)
Video, 4:12 minutes
Power and Cool examines the myth of the gunslinger through animated collages of footage from popular Westerns. Taking its name from a chapter in Roland Barthes’ Mythologies, this video sets up a new narrative surrounding the gunslinger. Power stems from being cool, and being cool stems from an ability to be calm and collected in the face of chaos and danger. Here the gunslinger’s stare, stance, and scheming are dismantled by a more messy reality. Their simple gestures and expressions are contrasted with a world of childlike play and humor in the face of macho.

Carl Elsaesser
Itinerary of Surfaces (2020)
16mm / Video, 7:58 minutes
What I am//What you are//salt and sweat on my tongue. A love letter of domestic imagination. The habits and musings of the ordinary in a remote location. A year of rain and other fluids. Contentment is a difficult emotion. 26 Main St. Bucksport, ME

Tess Elliot
All Tomorrow's Parties (2020)
Super 8, 2:55 minutes
All my toddler's plastic toys. My art maps my position relative to my surroundings. It’s the way I process complicated feelings of attraction, repulsion, and fascination towards the world around me as I try to locate and communicate personal ideology. I engage mediums and technologies as a critical response to conventions I find problematic, ultimately aiming to call to question the value of things. I replicate mass media and pop culture forms and try to work them into poetic contexts. In my work with VR, I’m intrigued by the immersive, yet solitary experience inside the headset as one becomes isolated from all other screens and spectacles by a screen wrapping the eyes. I am wary of the universal dead void of virtual space and its illusions at planetary scales. I try to keep pace with emerging tech gadgets. I am alarmed by Big Tech’s dominance over our future as they hoard information, amass unfathomable wealth, and build private space programs.

Jonathan Rattner
Grey Seals (2019)
Super 8 / Video, 10:16 minutes
Grey Seals is a collage film, shot on super eight and digital video, that immerses viewers on a sensory exploration of the visible and the invisible, parenthood and childhood, the impermanence of experience, and the fleeting nature of memory.

Lydia Moyer
Letter from The Gone World (2017)
Video, 17:22 minutes
Loss returns to us what is gone in this portrait of the future in the past tense.

Suneil Sanzgiri
At Home But Not at Home (2020)
16mm / Video, 10:55 minutes
Sanzgiri's father was 18 when India ousted the last remaining Portuguese colonizers from Goa in 1961. Combining 16mm with drone footage, desktop screenshots, and Skype interviews with his father, Sanzgiri utilizes various modes of seeing at a distance to question identity, the construction of memory and anti-colonial solidarity across continents.

Stephanie Barber
Horizon (2014)
16mm / Video, 2:46 minutes
A brief poetic collage of 16mm home movie footage from Egypt in the 1950s, elements of Capra's "Lost Horizon" soundtrack and a small and frustrated boy. There is so much to say about shangri-la. it is, like the horizon, always present, always out of reach. You need not attach whistles to the wings of birds to locate it. It is right over there. look.

Natalie Petrosky
Head Stuck in a Vase, layered experiment with score by Marcus Brathwaite (2019)
Video, 16:02 minutes
This is about death. This is about breath. Find your heartbeat. Find your heart. Think about what it means to really look at something. There is a certain meditative patience of looking at an image or an object for an extended period of time. Sometimes when you look at something for so long, you no longer see it anymore. Maybe eventually you could end up looking back at yourself. This is not about entertainment, but this is not an endurance test either. This is more closely aligned with pursuing a question without seeking an answer. I mirror the couch I sit on every day and the plants I water from time to time. The cushion has an indent from my weight and the plants will die without my attention. This recorded moment exists somewhere in between the piles of clothes on my floor I ignore until laundry day and the plants I let come a little too close to death. One is trying to have a tender moment with itself and the other is concerned with how it is positioned in a room. Which is which, I am not sure. I am sitting on my couch staring at a plant, wondering when I should water it next.

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