Here's the latest, as of December 2024! (Scroll down for the details….)
1. We still don't have to leave our current location yet, and don't know when we will have to. Keep those fingers crossed.
2, Thanks to a large building purchase grant from The DC Arts Commission and a tremendous outpouring of community support, we bought a building at 7733 Alaska Avenue as a “forever home” for Rhizome.
3. We need to raise more funds for necessary renovations. You can DONATE to the cause here:
4. We are also accepting LOANS from community members. You can learn more about that here:
More details:
In May 2024 - with a DC Arts Commission grant - and tremendous community support including $350,000 in donations and loans - and without the involvement of a bank or other financial institution - WE BOUGHT A BUILDING to secure our future against the threat of redevelopment of our beloved original location.
Since then we have, with teams of volunteers: cleared out cabinetry, exam tables, all the detritus of a former medical clinic; pulled down outdated wiring, fluorescent light fixtures, ductwork; introduced ourselves to the local ANC. And we have hired a team of licensed professionals to gut the building of all asbestos-containing materials (that is, all interior walls and flooring).
We are excited to announce that we have just received another DCCAH grant, this time for $175,000. We are ready to move forward with our vision of adding a second level to accommodate dedicated gallery and outdoor space. And for that, we need your help!
Rhizome is first and foremost a COMMUNITY SPACE. While we are widely known for intimate, mind-blowing, genre-bending performances, our vision has always drawn from a commitment to providing space and resources for community education, community gathering, community power. In the house on Maple Street, having flexible space upstairs has allowed for an inspiring series of exhibits that consistently push against art-world conventions and capitalistic assumptions and values. Having a yard has allowed for a huge array of open-air workshops and open-ended space just to be together. We are keenly aware that the ambiance of house and yard is not replicable - but, and, we know that the vision can translate onto new spatial forms, provided the basics are there.
draft of plans
The basics are:
-ADA-compliant bathrooms
-a second exit added to the front of the building
-new electric and plumbing
-structural elements of a second level and roof terrace
-stairs and wheelchair lift
-a new roof
-new energy-efficient HVAC equipmentAs with the demolition work, we are committed to doing as much as possible ourselves in order to keep costs down. And, we will hire licensed professionals to do the things that by code and by good sense ought to be left to professionals. We have met with several contractors who are open to working with us in this way.
We raised around $350,000 in donations and loans in April and May. Our second and final goal is to raise $200,000 more in combined donations and loans by March 1, 2025.
For those who have already supported, we offer our deepest gratitude, and we encourage you to pass this along to someone who might be able to help.
For those who are just finding us or haven't yet supported, any amount helps! We are again accepting loans of $2,500 or more - though please email us if you'd want to loan us a smaller amount. And donations of any size.
You can donate HERE and read more about loaning us money HERE.
There are other ways to help as well!
Are you a licensed electrician or plumber willing to provide a small discount? Do you have other applicable skills and a willingness to work at a discount or volunteer? Please let us know!
Do you know of grants for specific elements of this that might apply to us? For example, we got a $9,000 grant from the Live Music Society for a sound system and sound baffling. We will be seeking a grant from Community Forklift for discounted windows, doors, bathroom fixtures, hardware, possibly lighting. Do you know of grants for solar panels? Grants for a wheelchair lift? Please let us know!
DC needs lasting spaces that showcase and support marginalized artists and artforms. We are proud and grateful to serve as a model for what's possible by combining public funding with a broad base of supporters who individually may have modest means but come together to make outsize impacts.
We are VERY EXCITED to have a "forever home" in the works. We are DEEPLY GRATEFUL for the amazing outpouring of support we have received thusfar. We are FULLY DEDICATED to continuing to provide a valued and loved community resource and gathering space for years to come.
Thank you so much Rhizome family. Please share!

For the most thorough context, please see these detailed meeting notes and video from our March 26 town hall meeting.
Quicker notes below:
We lease our space on Maple Street. A developer has had a contract to buy the house and lot since 2020. They still haven't closed. If/when they ever close, we'll still have ~6 months before we have to leave.
We looked at many options for rent and for purchase. Everything is very expensive and a "step down" from our current situation. Hence the decision NOT to move out into another rental situation before we have to.
Building for sale, relatively affordable..
*one-story storefront just off of Georgia Ave
*1 mile from Takoma and Silver Spring metro stations; several bus lines make stops on the block
*~1300 sq.ft - approximately the same as Rhizome's current two levels put together
*no zoning issues
*ADA accessible
*increased capacity - at least 100 people for events
*space for small patio out front
*possibility of large street-facing windows
*skylight (one existing, possible to add more)
*potential for roof deck
*across Georgia Ave from Jessup Blair park (large outdoor space for use by kids' programs at least; maybe potential for partnership with Montgomery County to do events there?)
*street parking (seems plentiful down Alaska Ave)
Received large grant from DCCAH towards building purchase.
There is potential to continue operating on Maple Street indefinitely even after we set up shop there.
Our grant is for $350,000. We have put down and/or spent ~$75,000 currently. (Refundable / repayable with grant money should the deal fall through.) Total project budget is ~$825,000. We need $400,000.
Our goal is to finance the purchase with a combination of loans and donations from community members.
Loans - Community Financing - This just means getting lots of small loans from community members as opposed to a single large bank loan. Loans will be paid back over 10 or 15 years (your choice) at 0-5% APR (your choice). Minimum of $2500 per loan. Please read this fact sheet that goes into greater depth and detail.
Donations - tax deductible - do it HERE
We need feedback from as many people as possible to gauge feasibility. Please fill out this quick survey about your interest/ability to participate.
Feel free to email us with your questions - - but first, please read the detailed meeting notes and the community financing fact sheet! The answer to your question might be there!