Do you sometimes feel trapped in Apple's 'ecosystem'? Do you ever daydream of the world outside the Windows ? Rhizome's new series on Open Source Computing is intended to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve true computing independence.
Command Line Mysteries, the first workshop in the series, will introduce participants to using the command line, a powerful and flexible tool for interacting directly with your computer. We will do so via a moderated journey through Command Line Murders, a text-based whodunit where players use the command line to quickly search, filter, and inspect data in order to solve a murder-mystery (more info here).
Future sessions in the Open Source Computing series will explore the basics of Linux, using GitHub for package management, as well as programs on open source software such as Processing, Supercollider, and more.
When: Thursday May 19, 7:30pm
Where: RhizomeDC, 6950 Maple St NW DC
How: Please email Dennis at to reserve a spot
Cost: Donation ($15 requested, but pay what you can)