Women Uncorked is a gathering for women only, talking about sex - the science, the social, the politics, the personal. It's a safe place to break free of cultural taboos on talking honestly and personally about sexual topics; a place to laugh and enjoy talking about sex in a group with no judgement -- and no one saying "that's TMI!"
Many women feel more comfortable in a room with just women - and the dialogue can get a lot juicier and more interesting! Also, many women don't have the kind of friends with whom they can share intimate sexual details - at Women Uncorked, the fact that we were all strangers until a few moments ago injects a sense of freedom into the conversation.
At Women Uncorked, the trajectory of the evening will be ours to create together. Bring your ideas for topics to discuss - personal questions, issues, problems, successes, pet peeves, observations or current events. If it has to do with sex - it's on the table. We welcome all female identified-people, of all orientations and relationship statuses. BYOBeverage, if desired
WHEN: June 29th, 7:30pm, and approximately monthly
COST: $10 donation requested
Size of group limited to under 15 people. Please email bemanwhite@gmail.com to register.