Maple House Collective presents...
75 Dollar Bill, Ben Bennett, Abstract Human
75 Dollar Bill's core of Che Chen's quarter-tone guitar buzz and Rick Brown's inimitable wooden box brings an expanded lineup with Steve Maing on 2nd guitar and Sue Garner on bass to Rhizome's friendly confines on a holiday afternoon/evening to close out the summer!
"...[A] gloriously mind-frying, ritualistic splatter of Zen blues and Arabic and African music-influenced riff-rock repetition ... epically shambolic, thrifty and jazzy guitarscapes dripping of ecstatic hypnotism." -- Brad Cohan, The Observer
As part of his week-long residency at Rhizome, the ever-inventive Ben Bennett performs extraordinary music on outsider instruments.
Abstract Human is Maya Miller and Michael Bernstein's new group. After Double Leopards and Religious Knives they have spent their 5 year hiatus listening to mostly early 60s jazz and modern R&B. Come dig the result.
When: September 3rd, 4pm
Where: Rhizome, 6950 Maple St NW DC
Cost: $10 suggested donation