Transparent Productions presents...
Satoko Fujii - accordion
Kappa Maki - trumpet
Neko Jaras - trombone
Tuesday November 14, 7-9pm. $20
"Unpredictable, wildly creative, and uncompromising. Fujii is an absolutely essential listen for anyone interested in the future of jazz" - Dan McClenaghan, All About Jazz
GATO LIBRE - Satoko Fujii is a gifted pianist, accordionist and composer. Born in Tokyo in 1958, Fujii's piano playing began at 4, and she was classically trained until she was 20. Fujii moved towards improvisation, jazz, and the United States, graduating from the Berklee College of Music in Boston in 1987, and Jazz Performance at the New England Conservatory of Music in 1996. Her varied ensemble work graces many modes - duet, trio, quartet, big band and orchestra. Gato Libre wonderfully shares Fujii's creative prowess on accordian. Joining Fujii are longtime partner Kappa Maki on trumpet, and trombonist Neko Jaras.