Transparent Productions presents...
Avram Fefer (reeds) & Michael Bisio (double-bass)
$20 door. A full night of music!!! Sets at 7PM & 8:30 PM
AVRAM FEFER is a distinctive voice on the three major jazz reeds, as well as Bb and bass clarinet. West African, electro-acoustic and trip-hop, all inform Fefer’s sense of movement and swing. West-coast born, Fefer has lived abroad in Sweden and Paris, followed by residences in Pittsburgh and Washington DC and Seattle. Fefer’s musical associations are many, and include Archie Shepp, Kirk Lightsey, Sunny Murray, Adam Rudolph's Organic Orchestra, David Murray Big Band, Butch Morris Orchestra, Joseph Bowie Big Band,Mingus Big Band, among others. Fefer also leads his own ensemble, the Nuju Quartet, a modern jazz group with influences from Mingus, Ethiopian jazz, Ornette Coleman, to Jimmy Giuffre.
MICHAEL BISIO is a seasoned improviser and leader in his own right, and helped to inaugurate TransP in its first performance in July of 1997, in duet with reedist Joe McPhee at the now closed ‘Food for Thought’. Bisio also extends the traditional jazz piano-bass-drums trio via ‘Art of the Improvisers’, with pianist Matthew Shipp. Michael and Avram have been playing together off and on for 25 years. Their musical rapport is unmistakable!