Multiflora Productions presents...
Friday February 16th, 8pm $10
Rumput plays kroncong (a string-band tradition from Indonesia) and explores parallel threads with other traditions, notably old-time string-band music of the United States and British Isles, and Indonesian gamelan. Rumput is an 8 person ensemble (voice, strings, wind, percussion), currently directed by Javanese master musician Danis Sugiyanto. Their performances include shadow theater and large scrolling artwork (crankies) by Beth Reid.
Dave Scanlon (NY/CT) - composer/guitarist. Scanlon is an active member of the experimental rock band JOBS (fka killer BOB), the avant-garde collective Pet Bottle Ningen, and the pop group Leverage Models. Scanlon has released music on New Amsterdam Records, Tzadik Records, Hometapes, Clean Feed Records, New Atlantis Records, and Primary Records. He has had the pleasure of performing at Jazz Art Sengawa (Japan), Sapporo City Jazz Festival (Japan), Incline/Decline (Canada), Pop Montreal (Canada), Hopscotch Music Festival (USA), SXSW (USA), Northside Music Festival (USA), and other festivals. He has performed at venues such as Issue Project Room (NYC), Roulette (NYC), The Stone (NYC), Shinjuku Pit Inn (Tokyo, Japan), Yokohama Airegin (Yokohama, Japan), Boston Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston, MA), Casa Del Popolo (Montreal, Canada), and many more.
With special guests Letya a cappella trio singing Bulgarian folk songs.