ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) has demonstrated itself to be a corrupt agency sanctioned by the government to commit atrocities upon latinx people whom they deem unwelcome to the state. It is they who perpetuate the abuse of people of color whom they claim to be trespassing upon stolen land. It is they who facilitate the separation of families, and the caging and molestation of children, all the while claiming to be justified by xenophobic attitudes, and the validation of a racist demagogue president. An absence of paperwork can not remove your humanity. Existence is not illegal, and everyone deserves a fair chance to escape adversity.
Laughing at the Void has put together this concert to support communities targeted by ICE through the assistance of Sanctuary DMV, who is committed to protecting and supporting said communities as well as resisting policies that harm Indigenous peoples, Muslims, POC & members of the LGBTQ+ community. Rhizome DC has been kind enough to allow use to use their space to hold this event. So bring a righteous attitude, your creative spirit, and a donation to help us Smash ICE with incredible music. Suggested donation of $5-$10 to Sanctuary DMV. Nobody will be turned away for a lack of $$$, we just want you to rock with us.
Doors at 7:00. Music at 7:30. Quiet by 11.
Location is at Rhizome DC: 6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012
Hostile Mind (NoVA Post-Hardcore / Metallic Punk Bois) (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) has demonstrated itself to be a corrupt agency sanctioned by the government to commit atrocities upon latinx people whom they deem unwelcome to the state. It is they who perpetuate the abuse of people of color whom they claim to be trespassing upon stolen land. It is they who facilitate the separation of families, and the caging and molestation of children, all the while claiming to be justified by xenophobic attitudes, and the validation of a racist demagogue president. An absence of paperwork can not remove your humanity. Existence is not illegal, and everyone deserves a fair chance to escape adversity.
Laughing at the Void has put together this concert to support communities targeted by ICE through the assistance of Sanctuary DMV, who is committed to protecting and supporting said communities as well as resisting policies that harm Indigenous peoples, Muslims, POC & members of the LGBTQ+ community. Rhizome DC has been kind enough to allow use to use their space to hold this event. So bring a righteous attitude, your creative spirit, and a donation to help us Smash ICE with incredible music.
Suggested donation of $5-$10 to Sanctuary DMV. Nobody will be turned away for a lack of $$$, we just want you to rock with us.
Doors at 7:00. Music at 7:30. Quiet by 11.
Location is at Rhizome DC: 6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012