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Concert: Will Csorba, Dann Pell, Liz Meredith

Wednesday April 3rd 8pm $10 TICKETS

Will Csorba is a prolific young Texan of the resurgent American Primitive guitar school, already several albums and EPs deep. His work takes a cinematic approach to the discipline, frequently guiding the listener from its roots in old-time and blues through modern drone, raga, pastoral and experimental styles. Csorba plays close attention to compositional elements in his pieces, enhancing the idea of his music as a journey, but isn’t afraid to use improvisation as one of those elements; the songs rarely wind up where the listener expects, but whether it’s by intent or chance only Will can say.

Dann Pell is a guitarist, vocalist and percussionist based in Chester County, PA. His music embraces folk traditions; country-blues, jazz, chants/hymns/spirituals, and incorporates unique expansive rhythmic devices.

"Dann Pell 'Tertiary and Unseen' - solo live performances featuring dobro, six string, Telecaster, percussion, shruti, and musique concrete... I've worked with Dann before in more of a singer / songwriter format & his playing underneath the singing caught my ear as a very unique, personal & selfless approach to the instrument. From meditative sunrise sounds to percussive stormy seas, informed by the Great American Songbook, jazz drumming, Sacred Harp singing & Eastern drones... a personal fav of non-idiomatic guitar music." - Jason Meagher, Black Dirt Studios

Liz Meredith is a violist, violinist, improviser and composer from Baltimore, MD. Her music explores intersections between acoustic chamber music, instrumental improvisation, electro-acoustic composition, and ambient music. Liz’s recent projects include a solo album, The Disposition of Vibrant Forms, a 5 LP set in collaboration with John Somers, and work as an artist/designer for boutique effects pedal company Vaux Flores. In addition to performing her own music, Liz has premiered new works by emerging composers, and has contributed her sound to recordings by Monica Lionheart, Microkingdom, and others. Her forthcoming LP, Repro, is scheduled for release on Spleencoffin, April, 2019.