Sunday June 23 * 4-530pm * $5-10 suggested * RSVP
One Sentence At a Time, The Joys of Letter writing
We will discuss the letter writing experience. Learn how to pay careful attention to your thoughts by choosing the right words to express feelings.
During this workshop, you will:
-Understand the role letter writing plays in history and documenting historical and life events
-Discuss the joys and benefits of letter writing
-Identify letter writing formats
-Personalize your letter
-Discover helpful ways to expressiveness and find the right words
-Commit to a ritual and tradition of writing letters
Who's the Instructor:
Natty Greene is a poet, instructor and founder of the Jars of Gratitude Project and is on a crusade to create a grassroots resurgence in Letter Writing an act of mindfulness. In times of recollection and reflection, she cherishes her priceless box of handwritten letters. She recalls the days when there was an anticipation of going to the mailbox to see what letter awaits. In these days of high tech, there is no substitution for the 3-D, tactile satisfaction of writing on paper her thoughts, expressing her emotions as a long lasting display of gratitude, love, like and affection.