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Move Move Collaborative Temporary Ensemble

Monday June 24 * 8pm * $10 * TICKETS

The Move Move Collaborative is a temporary ensemble composed of performers from across North America and Europe. People come to Baltimore to train together, eat together, and create a performance together in eight days. All creative decisions are made by consensus.

This is the third iteration of the temporary ensemble. This year, we are bringing the crew to Rhizome to create a site specific performance to close out time together.

Movement participants include Orlando Johnson (Baltimore), Cristal Sabbagh (Chicago), Maggie Schneider (Baltimore), Matt Williams(Baltimore), Tabolt Johnson (Baltimore), Elise Knudson (NYC), Ashley Shey( DC), Laura Stokes (Pittsburgh), Peter Redgrave (Baltimore), David Serotte (Baltimore), Kate O’Brien (Baltimore/ UK), Andrea Carrion (Spain), Clara Jeanette (Montreal) and more!

We will be joined by a world class improvised chamber ensemble -  Kamyar Asani, Tom Boram, Aquiles Holladay, Bonnie Lander, and Jamal Moore.

This is a one night only celebration of possibility!!!