Monday January 27 * 7pm * Free/suggested donation * RSVP
FORTNIGHTS - Rhizome's communal learning series is untaught and unled. Our discussion/action groups are an opportunity for people to learn about a topic by reading, discussing, and then experimenting with the ideas that grow out of our discussions.
Beginning Monday, January 27th, and continuing 4th-ish Mondays of the month: Parenting and Technology
We will read and discuss articles and books on the subject of navigating life with children amidst ubiquitous digital technology. Our point of departure for the first meeting will be Jean M. Twenge's article, "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" Subsequent readings will include resources recommended by the Wait Until 8th organization, as well as readings suggested by participants.
Please RSVP if you plan to participate so we know how many people to expect!
COST: Suggested donation of $5 to support the space