About the artists: FIELDED (NYC) https://fielded.bandcamp.com/ Fielded is the stage name of Lindsay A. Powell, a vocalist, songwriter and composer currently based out of Brooklyn, NY. Powell works at creating a genre-less instrumental backdrop for the movement of her voice – a penetrating and sensual tool in which she explores fearlessly and innovatively. She refers to her sound as 'post-apocalyptic pop', a title that is all too fitting as it seems as though her songs have been written as part of some future film laced with battle cries, lovemaking and outer limit abductions. When writing, Powell says that each song begins with a vocal line and from there she constructs an entire movement complete with drums, bass, choral backings and the occasional saxophone solo. Intense and riveting, we pulse through the many dimensions of her songs searching for the history we never knew and the future we never thought we wanted.
LAZY MAGNET (PVD) https://lazymagnet.bandcamp.com/ Home recording project of Jeremy Harris. Started May 1994 in Swampscott, Massachusetts, continued until completion May 2014 in Providence, Rhode Island. After a five year hiatus this project has been revived.
B|_ANK (Baltimore) https://blankasfuck.bandcamp.com/ B|_ank is the solo project of William Passionfruit Hicks.
KELLI FRANCES CORRADO (Chicago/Seattle) https://kelli-corrado.squarespace.com/music Kelli Frances Corrado is a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. She is a quilt of memories and mysticism. Growing up in Chicago, she would sneak out during school nights to see hip hop shows and spend Sundays learning prayer rituals taught by a Czech grandmother. This set a unique musical foundation. Leading her to pursue opera training, string arranger, beat making and classical poetry. Giving voice to her spiritual beliefs. She has lived many lives before putting her heart in song: social worker, student, tap dancer, teacher, wanderer. Living in the Black Forest, London and by the sea. These patches of experience bring together a musical broth of magical realism and urban life ripe of lucid dreams and superstition.
SPOOKSTINA (Raleigh, NC) https://spookstina.bandcamp.com/releases The topography of an unmade bed after a restless sleep.