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ONLINE EVENT: Justice Arts Coalition ArtLinks

Tuesday September 15 * 7pm

Time and time again, we hear just how much it means to the incarcerated artists in our network to know that folks on the outside are seeing, appreciating, and being impacted by their artwork. The feedback the artists receive brings them hope and validation, helps them to feel less alone, and inspires them to keep creating. We want all of the artists who've entrusted their work to JAC to know that they matter, so we hope that you'll join us for ArtLinks Online!

As those of you who have taken part in ArtLinks in the past know, we typically gather at Rhizome DC every other month to explore new artwork by incarcerated artists and share our reactions, reflections, and feedback with the artists by mail. We're happy to announce that we've moved ArtLinks online, so that you can continue to connect with JAC's artists from the comfort of your own home. We’ll start off by walking you through the process of viewing and responding to artwork online.

If you would like to take part, please RSVP to, and we will send you the link for the Zoom.

The responses we receive from artists after ArtLinks events are heartfelt:

“I loved receiving the letters about my work and the impressions they had on people. So much of the art in prison is about portraits, photo realism and the like. Because my work is, well, more impressionistic it doesn’t always receive recognition in here from others. Looking at the [JAC description] at the bottom of the letter I received — “a unique voice” — I think that succinctly captures my hope as an artist and my own goals when creating art. To create something of maybe mundane, depressing things and hopefully get a person to see it differently. To think of things in a different way. To see us prisoners beyond the crimes we committed.” - Brian

“[Dear JAC volunteer], Thank you for writing me a letter and drawing a picture. I love it. Your letter made me feel validated because for the last years since I’ve been drawing the people that inspire me and have had an impact on my life growing up, the people in here aren’t really interested in buying portraits of S. Dali or Alfred Hitchcock … and it is starting to make me feel bad about it. So thank you a million times over.” - Chad, artist

We look forward to seeing you at ArtLinks!

The JAC team

Painting by Lesley Rae Bo Burdick