Thursday October 14 * 7pm * outside at Rhizome * TiCKETS
A Film by Wild Confluence Media and Last Stands
Runtime: 40 minutes
Synopsis: Elsa Sebastian is a young fisherman who grew up in a salty fishing village in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. When Elsa learns that millions of acres of her rainforest home will be stripped of protections and opened to clearcut logging, she’s driven to action; first fixing up an old sailboat, and then setting sail on a 350-mile voyage to explore the last stands of ancient forest in the Tongass. Elsa’s joined on this expedition by two friends: a biologist, Dr. Natalie Dawson, and a botanical illustrator, Mara Menahan. Together, the three women document the wild beauty of the coastal temperate rainforest and bear witness to the destructive impacts of clearcut logging. This is a documentary aimed at addressing the current plight of the Tongass National Forest and is intended to spark greater understanding and conversation around the link between public lands & climate change.
Mara Menahan will introduce the film and answer questions afterwards. Both the film and Mara's paintings on display at Rhizome grew from the same female-led storytelling project called Last Stands. This will be one of the last opportunities to see Mara's Landscape Portraits exhibit.
image credit: Colin Arisman
image credit: Colin Arisman
Image credit: Gleb Mikhalev