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ONLINE SERIES: Cultivating Resonance - Body Based Practices w/ Peter Redgrave and Matthew Williams

Tuesdays * 630-8pm * REGISTER to receive Zoom link

Cultivating Resonance: Body Based Practices

Cultivating Resonance is a ten week virtual movement class. We will meet once a week, on Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 PM Eastern Time via Rhizome DC. You may drop in a week at a time, or attend all sessions.

We practice movement as a tool to develop our capacity to tune-in to our own desires and realities. We welcome those who identify as dancers or performers, those who are just curious about their bodies, and those who simply want to move. This is a mixed level class for movers and dancers of all experience levels to learn and explore alongside one another. We honor the histories and experiences of all participants.

Each class, we arrive with a guided anatomy or perception based warm up. We invite participants to engage as much or as little as they would like with the screen, while we facilitate practices that direct intention through the body and explore the nuances of human anatomy. We regularly offer improvisational structures to practice choice making and awareness of our embodied habits. Throughout our time together, participants are invited to share their experiences and discoveries, which often shape the flow of the class.

We look forward to moving together.


About the facilitators

Matthew Williams (they/them) and Peter Redgrave (he/him) first met at a dance workshop in 2016 as they tumbled to the floor together in nervous laughter. They have been dancing together ever since.

Their relationship and embodied understandings (both distinct and overlapping) grew deeper through working with Lynne Price. Lynne’s classes offered access to the body/mind in ways that nurtured their sense of self and possibility of performance.

Matthew and Peter first performed together during the inaugural gathering of the Move Move Collaborative in June 2017. They have worked together on two other projects. The first was a durational performance called Coat Drop (Nov. 2017) where they maintained eye contact for two hours while they moved in and out of contact with one another. The second was In Relate (May 2018), a piece Matthew choreographed as a duet for Baltimore Independent Dance Artists (BIDA).

Peter and Matthew are based in Baltimore, MD. They continue to be involved in The Move Move Collaborative, as well as building their own works and practices. They are currently sharing ways to build ensemble and develop co-facilitation strategies.