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Lauren Sarah Hayes / Freida Abtan / Niki Afsar

image  (photo: Tobias Feltus)

Photo: Tobias Feltus

Monday October 17 * 7pm * TICKETS

Lauren Sarah Hayes is a Scottish live electronics improviser and sound artist. Her music mixes experimental pop/techno/noise/free improvisation and has been described as ‘voracious’ and ‘exhilarating’. She is a sculptress of sound, manipulating, remixing, and bending voice, drum machines, analogue synths and self-built software live and physically. The Wire described her 2016 album MANIPULATION (pan y rosas discos) as “skittering melodies and clip-clopping rhythms suggesting a mischievous intelligence emerging from this web of wires”. Her recent 2021 release Embrace (Superpang) was included in Bandcamp’s Best Experimental Music of February 2021. She is a member of the New BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

Freida Abtan is a Canadian audiovisual composer and multi-disciplinary artist with a keen interest in immersive media. She works between fixed and real-time computational technologies in sound and video for concert diffusion, installation, and large-scale multimedia performance situations. Her music ranges from acousmatic composition to more industrial and pop-influenced experimental performance. Both as a solo artist, and as a floating member of the renowned experimental music group Nurse with Wound, she has toured her music and visuals internationally. Her compositions, performances, and installations have been featured at ICMC, the Spark Festival of Electronic Music, Mutek, The Elektra Festival, and Cap Sembrat amongst many others. Until recently, she spear-headed the Electronic Music, Computing, and Technology Bmus/Bsc programme at Goldsmiths, University of London. She now teaches Electronic Music Composition at Carnegie Mellon University.

niki afsar is a nonbinary/femme, iranian-american writer and interdisclipinary artist. since 2015 they have lived and worked in new york city, tehran, the washington dc area, and western massachusetts. their work explores ideas of fluidity and longing within language, hybrid/myriad identities, and mental health. they experiment with a number of mediums including devised movement and performance; poetry and text; live singing and sound making; and mirror work.

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