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FORTNIGHTS: What is Learning?

Tuesday April 5 * 7pm * MASKS, VAX REQUIRED * to register email

What is learning? Who gets to learn, and what, and when?

Conventional education teaches that learning is hard work, teacher-dependent, and forgettable.

Something is amiss, but what exactly?

This series is for anyone interested in examining and exploring learning– our children’s and also our own.

We will be reading texts that question our current approach to children and education.

FORTNIGHTS - Rhizome's communal learning series is untaught and unled. Our discussion/action groups are an opportunity for people to learn about a topic by reading, discussing, and then experimenting with the ideas that grow out of our discussions. We gather around an idea or a skill we'd like to learn or explore, and turn our ideas into experiences and actions. Fortnights are always free and open to everybody. How often do we meet? You guessed it—once a fortnight.

We are two teachers seeking a community of curiosiacs, expert amateurs and amateur experts to:

  • Examine the principles of education.

  • Reconceptualize the needs of growing minds.

  • Dream of another way.

Register (free, but need proof of vaccination) by emailing