flyer: Mike Andre
Friday January 13 * 7pm * TICKETS
Rather than get stuck in the miasma of genre definitions while the world burns, Editrix have crafted nihilistic anthems that embrace familiar and fun pop songwriting even as it crumbles to bits. The Western Massachusetts trio’s debut album, Tell Me I’m Bad (via Exploding in Sound), darts and tumbles between apocalyptic love song and ethical quandary, playfully picking from and decimating influences ranging from Anthony Braxton to Captain Beefheart along the way. Editrix II: Editrix Goes To Hell came out in June. Lead single “One Truck Gone” is tightly coiled and tense, with Eisenberg’s magnetic melodies at the center.
Wendy Eisenberg (guitar/vocals), Josh Daniel (drums), and Steve Cameron (bass) formed Editrix in early 2018 as a way to explore the outer edges of the rock pantheon beyond their respective bands. Rather than bridging the gaps between party rock, noise, jazz, and prog, the resultant “avant butt rock” rabble-rousing moves in pocket dimensions between them. “We’re a bunch of sidepeople that decided to form ourselves into a compositional experiment,” Eisenberg says. “We all love different music and play in different bands, but our collaborative songwriting has trended towards elaborating on pop forms. We want to annihilate indie rock.”
Sensor Ghost, a medieval funk punk band from Washington, D.C., is composed of Mike Andre, Amanda Huron, and Sam Lavine (formerly/also of bands such as Puff Pieces, Weed Tree, Light Beams, The Cornel West Theory, and Antelope).
Drawn is a brand new band. Crossing state lines, among others. Nenet on vocals, Nate Scheible on drums, Layne Garrett on guitar.