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Native seed winter sowing workshop

Saturday January 13 * Noon-2pm * MASKS REQUIRED * SOLD OUT

In this workshop, we will conduct “winter sowing” of plant seeds native to this region. Each participant will walk away with a set of winter-sown seeds that should eventually sprout seedlings this spring, which you can then plant wherever you like — and which will create habitat and food sources for a wealth of native insects. As part of this workshop, you will learn how to “clean” seed in preparation for planting; build your own mini terrarium for winter sowing; and learn which local butterfly, moth, and bee species rely on the plants you’ll be growing. We’ll also discuss how to track our results over the coming months, and how to share those results with the public. Please bring your own sieve or colander if you can (necessary for cleaning seeds), but if you can’t, don’t worry, we’ll have extra. We are also looking for donations of clean clear plastic gallon jugs (for creating terraria) — if you can bring any, please let me know by Jan. 6: The more jugs we have, the more terraria we can build! Please note that due to space limitations, this workshop is limited to 20 participants. All ages welcome! 

All proceeds beyond the cost of materials will be matched and donated to the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability, which works to research and preserve the native ecologies of Palestine.

Earlier Event: January 13
Later Event: January 13
Community Livecoding Workshop