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Plotting & Thotting

Sunday June 23 * 4:30-6pm * FREE RSVP

Plotting & Thotting celebrates Juneteenth with a special forum dedicated to the plots presented by W.E.B. Du Bois at the 1900 World's Fair in Paris.

"Black Lives: W.E.B. Du Bois at the Paris Exposition 1900" is a book that contains photographs and plots Du Bois compiled to share the sociological story of African Americans thirty years after the Civil War/Reconstruction to attendees of the world's fair. We'll discuss the plots and photographs inside and how they convey the story that Du Bois intended.

Thanks to those who share their work on GitHub, we are able to access datasets and R scripts that help us recreate the work of Du Bois' team.
Peter Maximilian Fortunato, aka Max Fortune, is a professional data scientist and resident of DC working on the Strategic Routing team of payment processing firm Worldpay. He also directs Solplots, LLC, (@solplots) an analytics consulting and educational media company that organizes the Plotting & Thotting forum and runs social media accounts on Instagram and TikTok. Additionally, Fortunato assists in developing a visualization app and reporting tool for Data Driven Streets, a joint research venture between American University and District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to collect a multitude of data sources and make available their insights to be used in the decision making process for infrastructure improvement and transportation policy that ultimately leads to the realization of zero road deaths.