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Experimental Music Workshop with Oswald Berthold - Use Live Data to Control A Patch

Saturday June 29 * 1-5pm * Pay What You Like * REGISTER

The workshop aims to level up participants’ music-making skills by offering some custom experimental techniques and approaches to be added to their toolbox. The main idea is to look at how to connect your mobile phone or a live robot to your setup and use the incoming data to control your patch. There will be a brief intro to some core concepts, followed by a hands on part that will cater to participants’ particular scenarios.

Requirements: bring a laptop and be able to operate some music software that can handle OSC (open sound control).

For thirty years, Austrian born Oswald Berthold has been making unique contributions in the sphere of art & technology. He is a founder of farmersmanual (1995), a renowned pan-european electronic disturbance conglomerate; co-owner with Florian Hecker of (1998), a pioneering online music label, and the musical artists cd_slopper (1999). In 2001 Berthold received an honorary mention in digital musics at the Ars Electronica festival with their project "pxp".

Working increasingly on real-time data-driven generative music in the early 2000s he started specializing in AI and robotics, and went on to earn an MSc. in computer science (2012) and a Ph.D in developmental robotics (2020), both from Humboldt-University of Berlin. As a post-doc project he co-founded the Berlin-based robotics startup Jetpack Cognition Lab in 2019 with fellow roboticist Matthias Kubisch, where they invented and started marketing "flatcat", a one-of-a-kind bio-inspired AI-pet robot (your next robot is a pet).