Thursday January 16 * 7pm * $5 * TICKETS
Owen Paul Edwards was born and raised in Southern Maryland. He came from mucky water and sticks. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in HAD, Apocalypse Confidential, and the Rose Books Reader.
Taylor Franson-Thiel is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominated poet from Utah, now based in Fairfax, Virginia. She received her Master’s in creative writing from USU and is pursuing an MFA at George Mason University. Her debut collection, “Bone Valley Hymnal” is forthcoming in 2025 from ELJ Editions. She is an editorial reader for Poetry Daily, the Assistant Poetry Editor for phoebe and the EIC of BRAWL.
Jordan Ferensic is a writer who is currently living and working in Baltimore.
Abraham Zhao is a DC-based writer.
Olivia Braley is a writer based in Washington, DC. She is the author of the chapbook SOFTENING and co-founder/EIC of Stone of Madness Press, a literary journal for queer, trans and neurodiverse writers. Read more of her work and reach out to her through her website,, or on Instagram @o_t_b.