Image credit: Austin Larkin
Saturday December 17 * 7pm * MASKS REQUIRED AT THIS SHOW * TICKETS
Listen to a quick PODCAST PREVIEW!
Austin Larkin is a composer and violinist focusing on elements of tone within the interstices of fields, asymmetries, and patterns. His performance and practice is informed by research into dimensions of vibrating bodies. He lives in New Haven, CT.
The duo of Christina Gesualdi and Jesse Kudler explores the inter-dependence of movement and sound, with the boundaries between dancer and accompanist deliberately troubled; hierarchies between audio and visual constantly shift as byproducts of either medium become examined or picked up for elaboration in the other. The duo has been performing in art galleries, dance spaces, and concert venues since 2018. Christina Gesualdi is a dancer and choreographer who is an artist in residence at Mascher Space Co-op. She makes experiential work that researches a certain softness and imaginative off-ness in the body. Jesse Kudler is a musician, composer, performer, and sound artist working in improvisation, collaboration, and site-specificity to examine authorship, intention, agency, ambiguous affects, and modes and practices of listening.
Alma Laprida (1985, San Miguel, Argentina). After living and working in Buenos Aires for ten years, she's based in Maryland, USA, since 2021. Alma composes and plays pieces for trumpet marine, synthesizers, lyre and other non-conventional instruments and objects such as megaphones, nylon bags, home appliances and toys. She works with sound using an intimate, contemporary language and explores the territories among composition, improvisation, performance and installation. She played and performed at all major museums in Buenos Aires. She made sound installations at Teatro Verdi (La Boca, Buenos Aires), the art gallery Valenzuela Kremmer (Bogotá, Colombia) and CasaPlan for Festival Tsonami (Valparaíso, Chile). She was a guest artist at the International Festival of Experimental Music of Sao Paulo, Brazil (FIME, 2015) and made a residency at GIS Studio of Audition Records (Mexico City, 2016). She released a solo album (Audition Records) and several pieces in compilations in labels such as Adaptador Records, Ratordog, Sisters Triangla, Isla Visión, También Dormimos, Carbono Proyecto Records and Sub Rosa. In Buenos Aires, she created the series of concerts Ciclo Hertz and a project for collaborations between visual and sound artists named Estrépito y contemplación. She worked as a freelancecurator for independent projects. She was Curator-In-Chief at the Centro de Arte Sonoro, which depends on the Ministry of Culture (Argentina).
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