Poster: @zachhobbs
Saturday December 30 * 7pm * TICKETS
Industrial Grade Acid began as post-basement show jams between musicians and attendees in 2010 and has since evolved into a duo of Mic Litter and Nikolai Koppernick, who have been recording stream of consciousness improvisations with a revolving door of electronic gear for over a dozen years.
Origin of Speech (OoS) is an experimental electronic project led by Bash Rodriguez and supported by Ben Melrod on percussion. Bash and Ben compose their material by synchronizing and programming synthesizers, samplers and drum machines via MIDI technology. These electronic dirges are built entirely from hardware instruments, and manifests itself as an intricate blend of darkwave, synthpop and industrial that sits somewhere between Jorge Elbrecht and Tobacco.
“Cannibal Boom, the ongoing solo project of one Norberto Gomez Jr., seeks the light amidst the darkness of a soul. A soul wrought with perpetual angst, yet teases the inner joy of creation by strangling the past of its inertia. Maligned pop, it may be, but through the discipline of various adjuncts such as drone, electronica, speculative punk (in both ethos & practice), poetry/prose, butoh, and the groundwork laid by the raucousness of youth Cannibal Boom channels precious moments of ethereal bliss while playfully enticing the listener with baroque-yet-kitschy singsong attitude and an energy fostered by years of tempered artistic execution/vision. The voice of the Master present within eats itself, like the Ouroboros snaking inside its own tail, in a process of sublimation that imparts the ecstasy of renewal & retribution while taming the beasts of psychological trauma into submissive servitude. Groundbreaking artists such as Gary Numan, Bahaus, Nick Cave, Radiohead, David Byrne, as well as various classic punk influences ala Dead Kennedys, Misfits, etc. all spring to mind as being contributors to the Cannibal Boom sound. Think as if NYC electronic trailblazers Suicide met a misunderstood genius ala David Bowie-type situation. Or perhaps, in the emotional space where bands like Joy Division and earlier Pink Floyd provide the soundtrack to an underlying structure of experience, the theater of the mind is conjured up by Cannibal Boom’s distilled components that derive from these places of post-punk/dark underground rock colliding with pure performance of the most tangible fragments of human psyche.” - No Mames Distro