Tuesdays 1:45-2:45pm
In Solfa, parents and children aged 5 and older learn music together through solfa, a simple method of learning to sing with correct pitch (do, re, mi etc). Each class includes breathing and vocal exercises, rhythmic activities, movement, general music concepts, using simple hand signs for notes (an excellent kinesthetic activity), and singing a variety of rounds, American folk songs, and partner songs. Solfa classes sing songs in other languages – including Italian, French, German, Japanese, Spanish and Latin.
All music is provided. Please bring a 1″ white view binder for each student. Parents, pre-school siblings and babies attend at no charge.
Fall Semester: week beginning September 10, 2018 – week beginning December 17, 2018 (15 weeks).
Classes will be held the week of Thanksgiving (November 19 & 20), and on Monday, January 14th, 2019, Martin Luther King Day.
Spring Semester: week beginning January 14, 2019 (15 / 16 weeks). We will hold classes during the Montgomery County Public School Spring break. We will not hold classes on Easter Monday, April 22nd, 2019.
Snow makeup days: the weeks beginning May 6 & 13, 2019.
Classes will be cancelled when Montgomery County Public Schools are closed due to weather or emergencies. Classes will be held when schools are delayed two hours, and when they close early. However, please check the roads in your neighbourhood and make your own decisions about attending – we want everyone to stay safe!
Solfa will present an end of year performance in May.
Dates will be decided when we know how many snow days we have.
Cost: Tuition is $225 per semester for each student which includes rent and materials. Scholarships are available.
If you would like to visit classes before registering, the fee is $15.00 per student for each class, which is deducted from tuition upon registering for the year.
Tuition refunds will not be given after the fourth week of classes.
Students may join the classes at any time during the year, and tuition will be pro-rated.
We continue to offer discounts and scholarships for large families and those in need. Please email Miss Aniko directly for further information. Payment is due in the first week of the semester. We also offer the option of paying half in the first week and the remainder in the eighth week of each semester, or throughout the semester.
Information:email Miss Aniko at adebreceny@verizon.net, or call 1-301-695-1015