Rhizome DC announces our second week of remote Summer Arts Camp.
The Week of August 3-7
Each day will start with a half hour of games and movement over Zoom, led by two wonderful area teens who are longtime veterans of Rhizome programs.
Shortly following, a morning session (~30-45 minutes) facilitated by a local teaching artist. This will be a different artist each day, selected for their devotion to their practice and their passion for sharing it! These artists include painter Maps Glover; painter/animator Tara Gupta; installation/performance artist Katie Macyshyn; and movement artist Peter Redgrave. The idea is for participants to gain meaningful exposure to a range of different artistic processes in a way that hopefully sparks their interest and appeals to their sense of openness and adventure. The artists will facilitate a brief activity together online as well as provide instructions/prompts for a more in-depth independent offline project/exploration. Participants who engage fully with the offline portion could expect to spend an hour or two working on the day's project.
Each day there will also be a short afternoon get-together (15-30 minutes) for everyone to debrief the project and share their work with one another.
The intended age range is 8-12 years old, but please do get in touch if you're interested and have a child outside that age range. *If we have enough sign-ups, we will split into a younger and an older group, with the older group meeting slightly later.*
Pricing is on a sliding scale, $50-$150 for the week.
Supplies needed will be typical art supplies and household items. We will send out a list at least a week in advance and can help if anyone is going to have trouble tracking down anything.
Timing each day: 930-1030am and 330-345/4pm on Zoom; independent projects for 1-2 hours in between.
Please email info@rhizomedc.org to reserve a spot or with any questions. Limited enrollment.